A Fall Photoshoot on Halloween

What better way to spend Halloween than doing an amazing fall engagement session? 😍 Kristen and Nick chose the Springfield Nature Center. The weather was perfect. A slightly warm fall day. While many of the leaves had fallen due to random storms that had high winds, there were still quite a few that brought this session to life. This is what fall dreams are made of!!! We arrived at almost the exact same time lol I joked with the two of them that I was likely to pick the exact trail route that would take us on the longest walk 😂. It's been a while since I had been to the nature center. And that's exactly what I ended up doing. We chose paths at random...and they were definitely the longest route. But it ended up being wonderful! I got to chat with Kristen and Nick about their careers, wedding (of course 😉), children, and anything else that cropped up in between! These two compliment each other so well!! I was sad Alex didn't make it with me for this shoot because him and Nick would have gotten along so well! They both love to chat 😉. At least they will get to meet on the day of the wedding.
We hiked up and down hills, all the while talking. I felt like I was with long time friends! However, I was constantly on the hunt for good light and the perfect spots. Some of these photos turned out so dreamy I can hardly take it!!! So gorgeous ❤️. You would never know it, but many times we were hopping on and off the trail dodging other people coming our way. Quite a few of them mentioned that they had crashed other photoshoots in the park 😉. I can see why, you can't beat days like this! The sun dipped below the horizon by the time we made it to the pond. We stole as many photos as we could and booked it back to the parking lot. I had my heart set on getting field shots before we said goodbyes. I crossed my fingers and we power walked across the parking lot to the main entrance. Sorry you two!!! This was the session of constant walking 😂. By a miracle, we had the perfect field in perfect evening light. Oh, my photography heart was so happy!!! Kristen and Nick, I hope you love these as much as I do. I can't wait for your wedding day next year ❤️.

Kristen + Nick